Younger and Hipper: Most people interpret the grey streaks in his hair as a sign that he's at least in middle age.Sinister Scythe: E-capsule Big Al has one.Hell, just listen to THIS ! Manly to the MAX!.His final voice isn't quite as deep, but is still much deeper than the other male vocaloids.Rated M for Manly: His original voice is ridiculously deep and rumbly.Megane: E-capsule Big Al sports a pair of white glasses.Iconic Item: A pocket watch, apparently as a reference of him being "late" note The infamous "Big Al Syndrome" is a tendency for a male Vocaloid's release date to be delayed this syndrome is shown first on, obviously, Big Al.Everything's Better with Penguins: A minor meme at most, but he seems to have a good relationship with antarctic animals.Badass Longcoat: In his Taiwanese designs.Anime Hair: Particularly his third boxart design (E-capsule), which is of the Spiky Hair variety.However, he was eventually released with a voice bank provided by PowerFX staff Frank Sanderson and a more Animesque design ( his original artwork ◊, done in the style of Sweet Ann's, was often regarded as Nightmare Fuel) as the seventh English Vocaloid.

That said, the Taiwanese version looks much younger than him, is more slender, and has a head full of brown hair.Īnnounced on October 15, 2011.

Oliver is the name of PowerFX's Vocaloid3 made in collaboration with the new American Vocaloid company VocaTone, which notably consists of passionate Vocaloid fans. His voice is provided by an anonymous 13-year-old British boy.Įarly fan supporters couldn't be deterred from making art based on him, even before any details of his design were revealed. VocaTone did release a silhouette of him ◊ ahead of time, which helped considerably. On November 12, 2011, three dem os and his official artwork were released.

Additional demos continued to appear until Oliver made his actual debut on December 21, 2011. He provides the voice of Puppycat in Bee and Puppycat.